About and T&C

About us

Voll Toll GmbH
Mattenhofstrasse 5
CH-3007 Bern

UID: CHE-328.975.938
VAT number: CHE-328.975.938 MWST

General Terms and Conditions

Version 1. from January 01, 2023

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all orders placed by Voll Toll GmbH. Any deviations from these must be expressly agreed in writing.

1 Obligations of the client

1.1 The client shall be obliged to compensate Voll Toll GmbH for the performance of the work with a fee in accordance with the order. The client shall be obliged to pay the fee within 30 days of the invoice date at the latest.
1.2 The client shall be responsible for ensuring that all objects, locations and/or persons necessary for the execution of the photographic work are available for the entire duration of the photographic work and that their images are permissible and do not infringe the rights of third parties.

2 Obligations of Voll Toll GmbH

2.1 Voll Toll GmbH shall be obliged to comply with the client's written order. The design of the photographic work shall be at the discretion of the photographer; in particular, the photographer may decide on the artistic and technical implementation. Instructions from the client during the execution of the photographic work shall remain at the photographer's discretion.
2.2 Voll Toll GmbH shall be entitled to call in auxiliary persons of its choice to assist in the execution of the photographic work.2.3 The photographic work shall be deemed to have been accepted by the client unless the client submits a written complaint to Voll Toll GmbH within 48 hours of the photographic work being made available

3 Rights to the work

3.1 The client is obliged to name the author as follows when using the photographic work: “Jana Leu”, “Simon Boschi” or “Manuel Lopez”.
3.2 Voll Toll GmbH shall transfer all rights to the photographic work, in particular all property rights and copyrights, to the client after full compensation, insofar as this is legally permissible. The transfer of rights shall be non-exclusive, but without restrictions in terms of location, subject matter or time and shall also apply to new and as yet unknown types of use. Any exclusivity must be expressly agreed individually and in writing. The client shall refer any inquiries from third parties in connection with the use of the photographic work to Voll Toll GmbH.
3.3 Voll Toll GmbH shall be entitled, but not obliged, to list the client as a reference on the website (volltoll.ch) and may publish the photographic work on liveit.ch and on the photographer's personal websites.

4 Liability

4.1 Voll Toll GmbH shall only be liable for damages in connection with the execution of the work for willful or grossly negligent conduct. Any further liability, in particular for slight or medium negligence, is expressly excluded to the extent permitted by law.

5 Cancellation and modification of the booking

5.1 Cancellation of a booking is possible up to 14 days before the order date without incurring any costs. Cancellations from 14 days before the start of the order will be charged at 50%.

6 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

6.1 These General Terms and Conditions and the execution of the photographic work are subject to Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is Bern.

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